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Plastics Footprint

We strive to deliver essentials while minimizing waste

Why We Care

Plastics have offered society a multitude of benefits, but the world's ability to cope with plastic waste is being overwhelmed. We have all seen how plastics now pollute our waterways and oceans, prompting growing environmental concerns and demands from governments, NGOs, and consumers for more sustainable alternatives.
Our consumers shouldn’t have to choose between the essentials they rely on every day and the need and desire to care for their environment. We’re working to ensure you don’t have to.

Reducing Waste Across Our Business – Preparing for Tomorrow’s Circular Economy

We seek to develop innovative materials and alternatives to traditional plastics while supporting development of a circular economy that will make more efficient use of earth’s precious resources. Our aspiration is to reduce our plastics footprint by 50% through reductions, renewables, and recycled substitutes, or through introducing reusable products or circular solutions.1

We can’t lose track of our own direct impacts either, so we continue to pursue our goal of achieving zero waste-to-landfill in our manufacturing operations.2

Goals and Progress

In 2022, we continued to make progress and drive meaningful change through our efforts to reduce plastic in our products and packaging and divert manufacturing waste from landfills. 

Reduce Virgin Fossil Fuel-Based Plastics

Improve Product Material Circularity

Improve Packaging Circularity

Increase Recycled Packaging Content

Our approach to drive impact is guided by rigorous science and informed by clear, urgent need. We seek to source more recycled content and bio-based materials; use sustainable new materials that are recyclable, compostable, and biodegradable; and support the development and maturation of waste management infrastructure in both emerging and mature markets. These capabilities will be essential to unlocking circular material flows.

Learn about our plastics strategy and partnerships 

1Excludes other non-renewable materials (i.e. tapes, adhesives, binders, and absorbents)
2Excludes major construction and demolition debris as well as regulated or mandated disposal methods